File listing made easy ============================= *PyDrive* handles paginations and parses response as list of `GoogleDriveFile`_. Get all files which matches the query ------------------------------------- Create `GoogleDriveFileList`_ instance with `parameters of Files.list()`_ as ``dict``. Call `GetList()`_ and you will get all files that matches your query as a list of `GoogleDriveFile`_. The syntax and possible option of the query ``q`` parameter can be found in `search for files` Google documentation. .. code-block:: python from import GoogleDrive drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) # Create GoogleDrive instance with authenticated GoogleAuth instance # Auto-iterate through all files in the root folder. file_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'root' in parents and trashed=false"}).GetList() for file1 in file_list: print('title: %s, id: %s' % (file1['title'], file1['id'])) You can update metadata or content of these `GoogleDriveFile`_ instances if you need it. Paginate and iterate through files ---------------------------------- *PyDrive* provides Pythonic way of paginating and iterating through list of files. Here is an example how to do this, ``maxResults`` below defines how many files it retrieves at once and we wrap it into a ``for`` loop to iterate: Sample code continues from above: .. code-block:: python # Paginate file lists by specifying number of max results for file_list in drive.ListFile({'q': 'trashed=true', 'maxResults': 10}): print('Received %s files from Files.list()' % len(file_list)) # <= 10 for file1 in file_list: print('title: %s, id: %s' % (file1['title'], file1['id'])) .. _`GoogleDriveFile`: /PyDrive2/pydrive2/#pydrive2.files.GoogleDriveFile .. _`GoogleDriveFileList`: /PyDrive2/pydrive2/#pydrive2.files.GoogleDriveFileList .. _`parameters of Files.list()`: .. _`GetList()`: /PyDrive2/pydrive2/#pydrive2.apiattr.ApiResourceList.GetList .. _`search for files`: